How Much is Sugilite Worth?

sugilite cabochons

High-quality sugilite is very affordable in sizes ranging from 1 – 10 grams and the cost per gram is between $5.00 to $65.00 per gram, 1-3 gram sized stones are priced between $5.00 to $15.00 per gram, and larger stones, are priced at $35.00 to $75.00 per gram. Sugilite sourced from Afghanistan is regarded as […]

Peacock Ore

peacock ore

Peacock Ore is reminiscent of a peacock’s tail feathers in color and brilliance but instead of having to take care of a peacock you can buy the ore and take it with you wherever you go. The rough material displays an iridescent color when viewed under light but don’t be fooled it’s an actual tarnish […]

How Much is Kunzite Worth (spodumene)

faceted kunzite

High-quality kunzite is very affordable in sizes ranging from 0.50 – 1 carat and the cost per carat is between $15.00 to $25.00 per carat, 1-3 carat sized stones are priced between $25.00 to $35.00 per carat, and larger stones, which are on the rare side, are priced at $50.00 to $100.00 per carat. Kunzite […]