Identify Diopside

chrome diopside crystal

Diopside is a great mineral to collect and fairly easy to identify as long as it is the green variety. If you have the black variety then you’ll need to run a couple of tests to ensure it is authentic Diopside but don’t worry, the tests are fairly simple. It can be found in crystal […]

Tourmaline Pricing Guide For Buyers and Sellers

rubellite tourmaline crystal

Here is the current Tourmaline pricing guide for buyers and sellers. Feel free to use this as a point of reference when valuing varieties of Tourmaline. As prices for Tourmaline change, I’ll update this page with the new prices I see at the local gem and mineral shows plus I’ll be going to the Tucson […]

Identify Coral

red coral pendant

Unlike most gemstones that have a mineral origin, Coral is organic and formed by living organisms in the ocean. These gems form branching, antler-like structures created by Coral Polyps; when the Polyps die, the hardened skeleton remains a gemstone.   How to Identify Coral Through Testing There are various ways to identify rocks, minerals, crystals, […]

Zircon Pricing Guide For Buyers and Sellers

cushion cut blue zircon

Here is the Zircon pricing guide for buyers and sellers. Feel free to use this as a point of reference when valuing Iolite. As prices for Zircon change, I’ll update this page with the new prices I see at the local gem and mineral shows plus I’ll be going to the Tucson Gem and Mineral […]

Identify Oregon Sunstone

rainbow sunstone

Jewelry lovers and gem collectors worldwide adore the Oregon Sunstone. These incredible gems display a schiller effect and they’re only sourced in Oregon. The Shiller effect is made up of small inclusions of copper. When light hits these inclusions the stone will sparkle from the inside but it doesn’t have to be cut into a […]

Epidote Pricing Guide For Buyers and Sellers

epidote and quartz crystal specimen

Here is the Epidote pricing guide for buyers and sellers. Feel free to use this as a point of reference when valuing Epidote. As prices for Epidote change, I’ll update this page with the new prices I see at the local gem and mineral shows plus I’ll be going to the Tucson Gem and Mineral […]

Identify Quartz Crystals

clear quartz crystal cluster

Quartz is the second most abundant mineral on the planet after Feldspar and it is collected by every rockhound I’ve ever known. There are quite a few varieties of Quartz such as; Amethyst, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Prasiolite, and Smoky Quartz. Keep in mind this doesn’t include all of the Quartz crystals with unique […]

Identify Chambersite

chambersite faceted

Chambersite is incredibly rare and not very easy to identify because you can mistake it for Amethyst. Plus, with it being so rare, novice collectors will make themselves believe their purple crystal is Chambersite when in actuality it is a different gemstone of less value. Let’s dig into what Chambersite is and how to correctly […]

Iolite Pricing Guide For Buyers and Sellers

iolite cabochons

Here is the Iolite pricing guide for buyers and sellers. Feel free to use this as a point of reference when valuing Iolite. As prices for Iolite change, I’ll update this page with the new prices I see at the local gem and mineral shows plus I’ll be going to the Tucson Gem and Mineral […]

Identify Celestite

celestite crystal specimen

Celestite is very popular among crystal, mineral, and rock collectors but novice rockhounds have a tendency to misidentify it. So, I’ve put together a methodical process to help everyone correctly identify Celestite when you’re at a gem and mineral show or digging your own. These gemstones are typically colorless or pale blue but on occasion, […]