Rockhound Locations in Nebraska

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Here at Rockhounding Maps, we give you access and information to the best dig sites for crystals and minerals in Nebraska.  On top of that, we’ve created a resource page to assist with answering all of your gem and mineral collecting questions.

We hope you enjoy your time on our site and come back often because we’re always adding new dig locations and crystal collecting updates. This is a great resource for anyone who loves rockhounding, from beginners to experts alike!

Rockhounding in Nebraska is a great way to discover the state’s diverse geology and fossilized wildlife. The number of potential collecting sites here makes it an excellent location for those interested not only in rocks, but also minerals that can be found within them!

We are here for any questions or concerns that might arise about your adventures in mineral collecting.

Nebraska Rockhound Locations

Nebraska is an amazing state for rockhounding! It’s full of exciting gems, minerals, and beautiful rocks and crystals. The best rockhound locations in Nebraska are Dawes County, Sioux County, Whiteclay, and Orella. These scenic Nebraska locations have unique geological formations and abundant mineral deposits. 

This article will explore all of the best rockhound locations that Nebraska has to offer. We’ll list the types of rocks you can find and the tools to bring. We’ll also discuss the available rock and mineral societies in Nebraska that you can join and make your rockhounding experience a success!

Have you ever dreamed of going on a rock-hounding adventure in Nebraska? There are quite a few locations to dig for crystals, gems, Petrified Wood, Fossils, and Agate.  With its diverse landscape, Nebraska can be a perfect place for you to hunt for rocks!

Be polite wherever you explore. Always pack out what you packed in. Meaning if you stop for a snack while rockhounding at any site, clean up after yourself and pack your trash items back out with you.

Always do your research regarding laws and regulations, and don’t forget to ask for permission to access an area and collect specimens.

If you’re an active rock collector in Nebraska then send us an email about your favorite locations and we will feature you on the site and we might sponsor you as well. That’s right, we will pay you to go dig for rocks and minerals.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a rock-hounding journey, read on to find out more!


fairburn agates


Dig for Agate

Location NameLongitude and LatitudeRocks and Gemstones
Valentine, along Niobrara River42.897170, -100.490525Agatized wood, Opalized wood, Agate, Jasper
Lodgepole Creek41.140349, -102.627876Agatized wood, Opalized wood
North Platte River41.493879, -102.643063Agatized wood, Opalized wood
Crawford, White River42.704483, -103.404348Fairburn Agate
Crawford42.683074, -103.411375Agate, Jasper, Petrified wood
Orella42.917863, -103.472456Agate, Jasper, Carnelian, Opalized wood, Agatized wood
Chappell41.087817, -102.491154Fairburn Agates, Jasper, Chalcedony, Opalized wood
Bayard area gravels41.732362, -103.318742Agate, Petrified wood
Whiteclay, along Whiteclay River42.993808, -102.562845Agate, Chalcedony, Jasper, Petrified wood
Whiteclay42.996020, -102.628150Fairburn Agates, Jasper, Chalcedony, Opalized wood
Montrose42.925010, -103.736035Agate, Jasper
Platte Center, Platte and Loup Rivers41.396537, -97.325753Agate, Chalcedony, Jasper
Ashland41.054206, -96.325793Agate, Petrified wood
Weeping Water40.866963, -96.160672Chalcedony, Jasper
Nemaha River near Humboldt40.155904, -95.953011Agate
Keya Paha River42.989521, -99.625218Agatized wood, Opalized wood
Area outside of National Monument42.436627, -103.735872Agate, Jasper, Chalcedony, Opalized wood


Dawes County, Nebraska is an ideal spot for the rockhound enthusiast! This area is full of fascinating geological formations, including the Crawford and Toadstool Geologic Park. The site has an abundance of:

  • Chalcedony
  • Agatized wood
  • Celestite crystals
  • Concretions
  • Fossils
  • Opalized wood

The Crawford is a great place to explore the area’s Chalcedony, Agate, and Opal. A little further northwest, you can find the Toadstool Geologic Park, an area full of sandstone formations and ancient fossils. These locations offer plenty of opportunities to find unique rocks and minerals to add to your collection.

Sioux County is one of Nebraska’s most diverse geological regions, with various rock types and formations. From the Agate Fossil Beds National Monument to Pine Ridge, this county is full of unique geological features that make it an ideal place to search for interesting rocks and minerals.

The Agate Fossil Beds National Monument is home to various Agates, fossils, sandstone, shale, and limestone.


celestite crystal specimen


Dig for Fossils

Location NameLongitude and LatitudeRocks and Gemstones
Weeping Water40.866963, -96.160672Fossils
Holmesville40.216601, -96.674390Fossils
Montrose42.925010, -103.736035Fossils
Fossil Beds, outside of National Monument42.436627, -103.735872Fossils
Scottsbluff Bandlands41.851831, -103.708220Concretions, Fossils
Dawes County42.665129, -103.112088Fossils, Concretions
Pine Ridge42.993885, -102.562694Quartz concretions, Fossils


With its rugged terrain and wide-open spaces, Whiteclay is a great place to explore and find unique rocks. Rockhounds will find Quartz, Jasper, and other minerals like Calcite and Pyrite. The area is also home to exciting fossils, such as trilobites and brachiopods. 

You can find these gems and rocks in the surrounding bluffs and creek beds. Bring a rock hammer and chisel to break apart the rocks and get the best finds. Consider bringing a trowel to help dig in the dirt for any hidden gems. 

Orella is a great rockhound location in Nebraska for those looking to find:

  • Jasper
  • Chalcedony
  • Carnelian
  • Agate
  • Silicified ferns
  • Opalized wood

You can find Jasper and Carnelian along the banks and river valleys. If you explore the surrounding hills, you’ll be lucky to get Fairburn Agates. Finally, if you’re looking for silicified ferns, you’ll want to look in the area’s shale beds and sandstone outcrops. 


pyrite specimen


Dig For Geodes

Location NameLongitude and LatitudeRocks and Gemstones
Blue River40.106284, -96.619985Geodes lined with Quartz or Blue Celestite
Holmesville40.216601, -96.674390Geodes


Does Nebraska Have Geodes?

Yes, Nebraska has geodes. You’ll want to explore the quarries and gravel pits to dig and collect Geodes, Calcite crystals, Chert nodules, and Marcasite.


Where Can I Dig for Fossils in Nebraska?

You can dig for fossils in Dawes County, Sioux County, and Whiteclay. You’ll find trilobites and brachiopods, among other fossils, in these areas. So, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned fossil hunter, these three areas will provide an exciting and educational experience!

Rock And Mineral Societies

Nebraska has several rock and mineral societies and clubs. These societies and clubs provide an excellent opportunity for amateur rockhounds to get together and learn more about their hobby. 

Here are the top three societies and clubs you can join in Nebraska.


Lincoln Gem & Mineral Club

The Lincoln Gem & Mineral Club is a great resource for anyone interested in learning about lapidary and earth sciences. The club also offers educational programs and activities to help members learn more about the fascinating world of rocks and minerals.

Through the club’s activities, members can better understand the region’s geology, paleontology, and mineralogy. The Lincoln Gem & Mineral Club offers an affordable way to become a part of the rock and mineral community. Here are the membership fees:

  • Individual membership costs only $20 per year
  • Couples with a household can join for just $30 per year
  • Youths 15 years and younger can join for just $3 per year when accompanied by a responsible adult


clear quartz crystal cluster


Nebraska Mineral & Gem Club

The Nebraska Mineral and Gem Club is a non-profit organization that seeks to promote the study and appreciation of geology and lapidary arts. The club offers scholarships to geology students at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

Every year the club hosts an annual rock swap and the Omaha Gem and Mineral Show. These activities allow club members to share their knowledge and enthusiasm for rocks and minerals with the public. 


Nebraska Earth Science Society (NESS)

The NESS is a non-profit organization that works to increase public awareness and appreciation of the Earth sciences. It also works to promote the professional development of geologists. Members of NESS come from all walks of life and represent a variety of disciplines, including: 

  • Geology
  • Paleontology
  • Mineralogy
  • Geochemistry
  • Environmental Sciences

By joining NESS, members can benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of the society’s members. They can also help to shape the future of the field. Active members pay $20, associate members pay $5, and student members can join for free.