Rockhound Locations in Alaska

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Here at Rockhounding Maps, we give you access and information to the best dig sites for crystals and minerals in Alaska.  On top of that, we’ve created a resource page to assist with answering all of your gem and mineral collecting questions.

We hope you enjoy your time on our site and come back often because we’re always adding new dig locations and crystal collecting updates. This is a great resource for anyone who loves rockhounding, from beginners to experts alike!

Rockhounding in Alaska is a great way to discover the state’s diverse geology and fossilized wildlife. The number of potential collecting sites here makes it an excellent location for those interested not only in rocks, but also minerals that can be found within them!

We are here for any questions or concerns that might arise about your adventures in mineral collecting.

Alaska Rockhound Locations

Alaska is the 49th State of the Union, admitted in 1959. It’s the largest State in the U.S. and remains predominantly wild and unindustrialized.

Keep reading to learn about the best rockhound locations in Alaska!

Almost all of Alaska holds unique, mineral-rich deposits. However, not all areas are ideal for rockhounding, thanks to Alaska’s harsh environment and mountainous terrain. The river beds, gravel pits, and crystal-rich mountains are the best spots for rock hunting. 

The Alaskan wilderness is primarily dominated by rugged terrain and mountainous regions. It has some of the harshest climates, with vast portions of the State covered in ice for much of the year. 

Alaska has a mixed supply of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. However, the predominant rocks are igneous and metamorphic due to the active history of previous eras. 

Many of the rocks in Alaska are older than a billion years old. There are many reasons for this, but one of the leading causes is past volcanic activity. This is especially true for the Aleutian Islands. 

However, rockhounding can be difficult and occasionally dangerous if you don’t know where you plan to dig. We’ve collected some of the best places to start your search. 


Western Alaska (Islands) 

The influence of the Pacific Ocean dominates the western parts of Alaska. The islands hold some of the largest igneous deposits thanks to past volcanic activity. 

You can expect to find quartz, agate, and jasper in these areas. 


Aleutian Islands

The Aleutian Islands are a part of an outcropping of landmass from the mainland State. Parts of this region are technically a peninsula extending from the State’s base. Parts of it are separate islands rising from the peninsula. 

You can expect to find jasper, agate, and some varieties of quartz in this area. 


Lake Clark 

Lake Clark is west of Anchorage, not far from the southern coast of Alaska. It’s a relatively rural area with little infrastructure. 

This is a good spot for finding gold and jasper. But the lake is perfect for finding gold and silver. 


Kujulik Bay 

Kujulik Bay is part of the southern peninsula of Alaska. The bay is relatively small, but there are also many river systems you can pan for gold

This is a great spot to find petrified wood.


Central Alaska 

Central Alaska is at the heart of the Alaskan wilderness. It’s north of Anchorage’s capital and full of beautiful lakes and mountains. 

Central Alaska is a great spot to find placer gold and various metamorphic rocks.


Yukon River 

The Yukon River is a vast river cascading through the center of the State. It can be deep in the center, so we don’t recommend panning for gold in the depths. 

This spot was infamous for gold mining in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Thankfully, this gold is not trapped in the veins of hard rocks. Rather, placer gold is separated from the large veins and rests loosely in gravel and sand. 


Mount Hayes 

Mount Hayes is a stunning valley area between mountain ranges. The river holds a little gold, but this isn’t the most popular mineral in this area. 

Stibnite, a unique collection of crystalline structures, is one of the best crystals in this area. 



Fairbanks is in the Goldstream Public Use Area. It’s surrounded by wooded areas and riverbed deposits. This makes it ideal for panning for metals and other minerals. 

In addition to loose gold deposits, you can also find antimony and tungsten. 


Northern and Western Alaska

North and western Alaska is one of the hardest parts to visit in Alaska. However, these areas have plenty of rare and unusual crystals. 

Jade Mountain is one of the most popular parts, but there’s more!


Jade Mountains and River 

The Jade Mountains is a set of massive mountains in the far northwestern part of Alaska. As the name implies, it’s a fantastic spot to find jade.

This isn’t the imperial jade found in Asia and other parts of the world. Although, you can find nephrite jade, which has a rich, almost emerald-like quality. 

Asbestos Mountain

Asbestos Mountain is a lovely natural portion in the far north of Alaska. Several nature reserves and state parks surround it. The Gates of the Arctic National Park is to the northeast, and Kobuk Valley National Park is to the west. 

You can find magnetite, serpentine, nickel, chrysolite, and asbestos. 


How Do You Safely Rockhound in Alaska? 

You should avoid rockhounding in Alaska in the wintertime since the weather gets the worst. Late autumn and early spring can also be dangerous because of melting ice and snow or the potential for weak ice on rivers and ponds. Stay within State parks, travel with a group, and refrain from rock hunting after dark. 


Can You Collect Fossils in Alaska? 

Under Alaskan law, statute 41.35, collecting fossils on the submerged Alaskan coast is illegal. This portion of the State is considered a national resource protected by historical importance. Check with local State offices to see if you need a permit to collect any minerals and fossils. 

Alaska is the largest and one of the least developed States in the union. This area’s size and intense weather make it a tough spot for outdoor excursions. 

For the brave at heart, plenty of rocks and minerals can be found! Always put safety first, but don’t let your hesitance keep you from exploring this beautiful State. 

Rock And Mineral Societies

1. Chugach Gem and Mineral Society

The Chugach Gem and Mineral Society have its meeting dates and times listed on its automated message. They may be in the process of updating their schedule for 2023. 

We recommend calling them at (907) 566-3403. They’re a great group in Anchorage, where they host seminars and educational gatherings. 


2. Mat-Su Rock Club

The Mat-Su Rock Club gathers every third Tuesday of the month in Palmer, Alaska. Their website is currently down, so we hope it will be updated soon. 

According to its Facebook page, they host field trips, and rock shows yearly.