Carrasite Jasper

In regards to gemstones and minerals, many people are incredibly familiar with Jasper and its many varieties. Jasper has an intriguing history (each their own story) and has long been a favorite among collectors and lapidary artists. However, many people do not realize just how many varieties of Jasper exist and what beauty each one offers.

Whether you’re on the hunt for a unique and interesting gemstone of exceptional color or crave a pattern that catches your eye and piques your imagination, Carrasite Jasper could be the stone you’re looking for. Let’s dig into more details about this beautiful Porcelain Jasper.


Carrasite Jasper rough


FAQs For Carrasite Jasper

Porcelain Jaspers got their name because the stones generally feature sections that resemble porcelain fragments. Most people think of porcelain as white in color but Porcelain Jasper comes in shades of yellow, gray, lavender, peach, pink, mauve, or blue. Many varieties are commonly striated with deep grays, blacks, or navies, which often resemble cracks.

Carrasite Jasper is often found in beautiful shades of tan, burgundy-brown, cream, and gray-green. Overall, the color palette of Porcelain Jasper is typically described as soothing, even though the striations offer a dramatic contrast. Regardless of variety, these stones tend to be opaque, and even the sheen can sometimes look chalky. While the chalkiness makes the stone’s name seem even more apt in some cases since it’s not overly glossy. Regardless, it is beautiful.


What Is Carrasite Jasper?

Carrasite Jasper is a beautiful Porcelain Jasper found in the Owyhee Mountains of Oregon (at the Oregon-Idaho border). This area is known for producing high-quality Jasper like Owyhee Jasper and Biggs Jasper. Believe it or not, Carrasite Jasper looks relatively similar to Morrisonite Jasper and it is fairly common to confuse the two.

Carrasite was discovered by Charlie Carras, who mined the site during the 1970s. As stones go, since Mr. Carras is the one who found the gem, the stone was named after him.


Owyhee region of Eastern Oregon


Where Is Carrasite Jasper Found?

Carrasite Jasper is found in the Owyhee region of Eastern Oregon. As mentioned previously, it was discovered nearby its cousin stone, Morrisonite, which is one of the reasons the two share similar features. With its beautiful bright colors and soft “egg” patterns, Carrasite Jasper is bound to please anyone who finds it.


How To Identify Carrasite Jasper

There are identifying characteristics that can help one identify any stone, including Carrasite Jasper. You’ll be depending on visual characteristics to identify this Jasper correctly which means you’ll need to spend time with lapidary artists who cut the material, and rock and mineral dealers who sell slabs and rough material. These individuals can add a ton of value to your rock and mineral knowledge base.

Carrasite Jasper has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs Hardness Scale and has excellent toughness. When conducting a streak test, you might find that the stone produces a white, yellow, brown, and red streak.

The stone’s specific gravity ranges from 2.500 to 2.600, but it’s typical to see a 2.600.

In regards to inclusions, Carrasite Jasper will produce a finely-grained structure. The stone’s luster can be vitreous, waxy, dull, or greasy.

When broken or chipped, Carrasite Jasper produces a conchoidal, granular, and uneven fracture. As far as cleavage, Carrasite has none.


Carrasite Jasper cabochon


Carrasite Jasper Value

Carrasite Picture Jasper cut en cabochon can run about $100 per piece. The average size at that price is about 65mm by 28mm, and a 65mm thickness. A half-pound polished slab can cost up to $350 depending on the seller, quality, and condition.

Remember, prices will vary greatly depending on where you purchase your gemstones, crystals, and fine minerals. The specimen’s quality, size, condition, and color will also play a role in the pricing and value.

Here’s one of my favorite sellers of cabochons online. He does a great job creating high-quality pieces that are fairly priced.

If you’re on the hunt for Carrasite Jasper with the intention of buying it, we highly recommend knowing the seller. It’s best to build a relationship with the people you’re going to conduct gem business with because you wouldn’t want to get cheated. The same applies whether you’re buying or selling.

You can check with lapidaries, gemologists, jewelers, and gem shows. It is also worth joining a rock and mineral club or society. You can learn, share knowledge, and experience so much by becoming a member, not to mention the potential connections you can make on so many levels. Always do your homework, check reviews, and trust your gut. Happy hunting hounds.

Jerred Morris
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