Rockhound Locations in Rhode Island

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Here at Rockhounding Maps, we give you access and information to the best dig sites for crystals and minerals in Rhode Island.  On top of that, we’ve created a resource page to assist with answering all of your gem and mineral collecting questions.

We hope you enjoy your time on our site and come back often because we’re always adding new dig locations and crystal collecting updates. This is a great resource for anyone who loves rockhounding, from beginners to experts alike!

Rockhounding in Rhode Island is a great way to discover the state’s diverse geology and fossilized wildlife. The number of potential collecting sites here makes it an excellent location for those interested not only in rocks, but also minerals that can be found within them!

We are here for any questions or concerns that might arise about your adventures in mineral collecting.

Rhode Island Rockhound Locations

If you live in Rhode Island or plan on visiting for some rockhounding, we’ve got some exciting locations you might want to explore.

The beach gravels of Mt. Hope Bay, including Pawtuxet, Bonnet Shore Beach, Warwick, and the gravels of Narragansett Bay, are among the best rockhounding locations in the state.

Have you ever dreamed of going on a rock-hounding adventure in Rhode Island? Rockhounds can find Agate, Jasper, Amethyst, Jasper, Carnelian, and other crystals. With its diverse landscape, Rhode Island can be a perfect place for you to hunt for rocks!

Be polite wherever you explore. Always pack out what you packed in. Meaning if you stop for a snack while rockhounding at any site, clean up after yourself and pack your trash items back out with you.

Always do your research regarding laws and regulations, and don’t forget to ask for permission to access an area and collect specimens.

This article will discuss the top rockhound locations in Rhode Island and the different types of rocks and minerals you can collect. Don’t forget to make it to the bottom of the page because we list out the best rock and mineral societies in the state. If you’re serious about collecting rocks then you’ll want to join one of these amazing clubs.

If you’re an active rock collector in Rhode Island then send us an email about your favorite locations and we will feature you on the site and we might sponsor you as well. That’s right, we will pay you to go dig for rocks and minerals.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a rock-hounding journey, then grab your rock hammer, and let’s get started!


Dig For Agate

Location NameLongitude and LatitudeRocks and Gemstones
Warwick41.659486, -71.410334Carnelian
Providence area41.824110, -71.461634Agate, Chalcedony, Jasper, Quartz crystals
Mt. Hope Bay41.667369, -71.237641Agate, Amethyst, Carnelian, Jasper, Hematite
Cumberland Hill41.980343, -71.485601Agate, Chalcedony, Jasper, Quartz crystals
Pawtuxet41.760956, -71.386560Agate, Carnelian, Amethyst, Jasper


The gravels and quarries to the west are among the best places a rockhound can explore in Providence, Rhode Island. It’s possible to find various specimens, including

  • Agates
  • Jasper
  • Chalcedony
  • Sagenitic Quartz Crystals

North Providence is also worth exploring. The quarries in the northern area hold various quartz specimens and serpentine or bowenite.

Mt. Hope Bay is another excellent rockhound location in Rhode Island. Your best bet is to go beachcombing, as it produces some incredible finds.

Aside from the high-quality sea glass, one will find rockhounds can also check the surrounding beach gravels for specimens that include:

  • Green Agates
  • Red Agates
  • Amethyst
  • Carnelian
  • Jasper
  • Hematite

Mt. Hope Bay is located at the mouth of the Taunton River, along the Rhode Island and Massachusetts border. It’s a beautiful place for a picnic and rockhounding.

Narragansett is a beautiful waterfront town in Washington County. It’s actually a massive tourist spot in the summer, and there are plenty of places to stay and enjoy excellent food while rockhounding.

The basin in this area is an excellent place to hunt for fossilized ferns, insects, trilobites, Amber, and cattails. If you’re lucky, you might find beryl around the basin. Some other excellent specimens to find while combing the gravel include:

  • Agates
  • Jasper
  • Carnelian
  • Sea Glass

Sneech Pond is about 40 miles north of Boston, in Cumberland. Rockhounds can find an old, collapsed copper mine. The mine’s shafts are still open and travel down about 8 feet. You’ll find the mine near Sneech Pond, just off Route 122. Rockhounds have been known to find specimens including:

Near the old mine lies a quarry where it’s possible to unearth some quartz.


Dig For Crystals

Location NameLongitude and LatitudeRocks and Gemstones
Johnston, at 295 and Route 641.836681, -71.520978Amethyst
Johnston41.843312, -71.524443Quartz crystals
West Greenwich41.636618, -71.616141Amazonite
Jamestown Bridge41.526294, -71.391495Staurolite
Tiverton quarry41.646766, -71.185233Rutilated Quartz crystals
Providence41.824110, -71.461634Sagenite Quartz crystals
Moosup River, near Bennett Hill41.765641, -71.768370Epidote, Orthoclase, Pyrite, Apatite, Biotite, Garnet, Labradorite, Serpentine
Sneech Pond41.985365, -71.453152Chalcopyrite, Garnet, Magnetite, Rhodonite
North Providence41.932632, -71.421540Serpentine, Quartz
Narragansett41.472326, -71.422139Beryl, Quartz
Westerly area41.385085, -71.735708Beryl


Cumberland Hill is the most northern town within Providence County. This beautiful area is an excellent place for more adventurous rockhounds to explore. Several quarries can be found in Cumberland, including Beacon Pole Hill. However, you might need to get permission from the landowner and be mindful to watch out for any signs posted.

The gravels are another excellent place to explore. Rockhounds can look for Agates, Quartz, Chalcedony, and Jasper.

The Moosup River spans about 23 miles, so you’ve got room to search. If you’re looking for rocks, gems, and fossils, it’s worth checking out the town of Foster in the Bennett Hills area.

There you might find exciting specimens, including:

If you hope to find any amethyst, you’ll have to do some deep digging into the hilly areas.

The Pawtuxet River runs from Coventry to Cranston.

Exploring along the river’s shores and water’s edge will lead to finding several beautiful specimens, including:

It’s an excellent location to find incredibly beautiful river-washed stones as well. While the river can be explored year-round, it’s best to go during warmer weather so you can pan and sift the water without freezing.

The Jamestown Verrazzano Bridge is located in North Kingston. People have reported having luck searching the boulders and gravel along the shoreline underneath the bridge.

This area is home to various minerals and crystals, including:

Along the southern shore of Jamestown, one might find Quartz, Sericite, and Titanite. It’s been said that Hematite, Calcite, and Tourmaline can be found at Potters Point, but some areas are difficult to hike and access.

Dig For Jasper

Location NameLongitude and LatitudeRocks and Gemstones
Bristol area41.680357, -71.275520Jasper
Providence area41.824110, -71.461634Jasper
Mt. Hope Bay41.667369, -71.237641Jasper
Pawtuxet area41.760956, -71.386560Jasper

Westerly is located along the southwestern shore of Washington County. The area offers an abundance of beaches and shorelines to explore. The gravel and sand are excellent areas for rockhounding. This area is perfect for finding specimens like

If you’re a fan of short boat rides, Block Island is an excellent rockhound location in Rhode Island. Block Islands is located just off the mainland, with a small population of around 400 people.

This area is a hot spot tourist location during the summer, so it’s best to explore the area during the early spring or fall. Along the island’s southern shore, you’ll find all sorts of interesting specimens, including:

  • Almandite
  • Pyrite
  • Limonite
  • Magnetite
  • Zircon

Rodman’s Hollow is another location for rockhounding.

The county seat of Bristol is full of coastlines and beaches where rockhounds are bound to find various hidden gems.

With some careful combing, one might unearth rocks and crystals, including:

  • Agates
  • Hematite
  • Epidote
  • Limonite
  • Pyrite
  • Rutile
  • Sea Glass

There are a few different areas in East Greenwich to explore if you’re into digging. Bald Hill is said to contain magnetite and biotite. Head over to the Bellefonte region, and you’ll find various unique specimens, including:

  • Epidote
  • Hematite
  • Agates
  • Garnet

As we mentioned earlier, we cannot promise anyone that they’ll find anything significant at these rockhound locations in Rhode Island. It’s a difficult region for serious hounds, but exploring these locations listed will likely find you with a few worthwhile specimens to bring home to your collection.

However, people have been lucky enough to find massive pieces of Quartz and other specimens. That said, there’s hope that you’ll discover something worth talking about. Regardless, the state of Rhode Island is beautiful and fun to explore.

Rock And Mineral Societies


Joining a rock and mineral society is an excellent way to learn more about gemstones, crystals, rocks, and minerals. It’s also a great way to meet others passionate about rockhounding or collecting.

Some states have numerous societies, while others have less. Rhode Island doesn’t have many, but they exist.


Rhode Island Mineral Hunters

The Rhode Island Mineral Hunters Club has existed since the 1960s or earlier. The club organizes field trips for members to seek out rare and interesting specimens. A few popular spots are abandoned quarries and mines in Cumberland, Smithfield, and Lincoln. However, members might also travel to other New England state locations.

You can find various areas of expertise with different members, including the chemistry and geology of rocks and lapidary arts.

The Rhode Island Mineral Hunters hold monthly meetings, with presentations, rock raffles, and social events. The club operates its annual Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show in October. The fluorescent display seems to be a massive attraction at the show, but the same displays don’t always show twice.


The Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies

The Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies, Incorporated, was organized in the 1950s as a nonprofit. What began as the founding of three mineral societies and seven charters has transitioned to around 115 affiliated societies and a combined membership of over 9,000 individuals.

Because the EFMLS has so many branches, there is always something interesting going on in the way of events, shows, displays, classes, and courses. You will have to check what chapters are in your area and see what they’re digging into now.