Rockhound Locations in Virginia

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Here at Rockhounding Maps, we give you access and information to the best dig sites for crystals and minerals in Virginia.  On top of that, we’ve created a resource page to assist with answering all of your gem and mineral collecting questions.

We hope you enjoy your time on our site and come back often because we’re always adding new dig locations and crystal collecting updates. This is a great resource for anyone who loves rockhounding, from beginners to experts alike!

Rockhounding in Virginia is a great way to discover the state’s diverse geology and fossilized wildlife. The number of potential collecting sites here makes it an excellent location for those interested not only in rocks, but also minerals that can be found within them!

We are here for any questions or concerns that might arise about your adventures in mineral collecting.

Virginia Rockhound Locations

There are various rockhound locations in Virginia. The state is known for its mineral-rich landscapes, and rockhounds are always finding something worth digging for. 

Let’s talk about some of the top rockhounding locations you can explore in Virginia. These hot spots range from popular and well-known commercial sites to the more tucked away and lesser-known areas.

Have you ever dreamed of going on a rock-hounding adventure in Virginia? Rockhounds can find Amethyst, Agate, Jasper, Petrified Wood, Topaz, and Tourmaline among other minerals. With its diverse landscape, Virginia can be a perfect place for you to hunt for rocks!

Be polite wherever you explore. Always pack out what you packed in. Meaning if you stop for a snack while rockhounding at any site, clean up after yourself and pack your trash items back out with you.

Always do your research regarding laws and regulations, and don’t forget to ask for permission to access an area and collect specimens.

This article will discuss the top rockhound locations in Virginia and the different types of rocks and minerals you can collect. Don’t forget to make it to the bottom of the page because we list out the best rock and mineral societies in the state. If you’re serious about collecting rocks then you’ll want to join one of these amazing clubs.

If you’re an active rock collector in Virginia then send us an email about your favorite locations and we will feature you on the site and we might sponsor you as well. That’s right, we will pay you to go dig for rocks and minerals.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a rock-hounding journey, then grab your rock hammer, and let’s get started!


Dig For Amethyst Crystals


There are numerous sites to explore in Albemarle County, Virginia, with Briar Fork being at the top of many people’s lists. One of the common minerals found in this area is the Goethite pseudomorphs after Pyrite, known by some as “devil’s rice.” Rockhounds can find this specimen at the side of the banks after a good rain.

Another excellent area to explore is the Alberene Soapstone Quarry. The quarry contains several rocks and minerals, including:

The Esmont slate quarry contains minerals, including Esmont, Limonite, Dolomite, Siderite, and pseudomorph after Pyrite. Access to these quarries might be challenging, especially when it rains. If you plan to hit this spot, you’ll definitely want to have four-wheel drive.


Dig For Agate, Jasper, and Petrified Wood


Buckingham County is another excellent rockhound location. One site worth considering is the Willis Mountain Kyanite Mine. The mine isn’t far from Sprouse’s Corner and is easily accessible if the weather is right. There are opportunities to find various specimens here, including:

Another excellent mine near Sprouse’s Corner is the Morrow Gold Mine. Needless to say, you can try your hand at panning for gold here. The New Canton Mines and Slate River site are a couple of alternative rockhounding options in Buckingham County. 

The New Canton Mine combines Hudgins, Margret, Johnson, and Mckenna mines. These locations are well-known for minerals like Gahnite, Chalcopyrite, Pyrite, Galena, Silver, and Gold.

The Slate River site contains Covellite, Chalcopyrite, and Pyrite.

If none of those specimens get you going, the Tourmaline site near Andersonville is known for the Black Tourmaline. Quartz crystals are also commonly found at this rockhound location.


Dig For Crystals


One of the most common sites in Madison County, Virginia, is the Rose River Unakite area. It’s west of Syria. If you’re lucky, you might find some true Unakite granite at this location. Unakite granite is composed of Orthoclase, Epidote, and Quartz. That’s not all you can find; other specimens include:

  • Jasper
  • Quartz
  • Metabasalt
  • Quartz Pseudomorphs after the Metamorphosis of Actinolite

Dark Hollow Mine is another rockhound location worth considering in Virginia. It’s easily accessible and is maintained well by the Blue Ridge Copper Company. The mine is mainly known for its copper, but other minerals include:

These two sites alone make Madison County a hub for rockhounds eager to fill their rucksacks.


Dig For Gemstones


The American Rutile Quarry is an excellent rockhound location in Virginia. It’s on private property, but you can gain permission to access the area. There is no entrance fee. This quarry is known for its variety of minerals, including:

  • Ilmenite
  • Anatase
  • Chalcopyrite
  • Garnet
  • Augite
  • Orthopyroxene
  • Rutile
  • Sphene
  • Zoisite

Pittsylvania Wayside Park is one of the lesser-known and visited rockhound locations in Virginia. The county is mineral-laden, with something for the rockhound in all of us, including:

  • Garnet
  • Zircon
  • Beryl
  • Muscovite
  • Orthoclase
  • Columbite-Tantalite

The Wayside is an excellent place for family rockhounding trips. Enjoy sitting by the running stream or have lunch at a picnic shelter on your next rockhounding trip.

The Axton pegmatite district is another excellent rockhound location to explore. The district includes several mines, including Tyler, Dalton, Will Rogers, and the Vicama mines. The area is known for its wide variety of collectible specimens, including:

  • Feldspar
  • Beryl
  • Tourmaline
  • Kyanite
  • Garnet
  • Smoky Quartz


Dig For Gems


There are various rocks, minerals, crystals, and gems for rockhounds to find in Augusta County. The Mine Branch is one of the popular sites one might consider checking out.

The Mine Branch is a creek near Crimora, Virginia. Some of the minerals found in Mine Branch include:

  • Manganese Ore
  • Cryptomeline
  • Psilomelane
  • Pyrolusite
  • Quartz Crystals

Suppose you’re interested in exploring this area. In that case, you’ll need to talk to the landowners who have authority over the creek before entering. The great thing about that is they’ll walk you around the stream and show you what to avoid.

The Belmont limestone and Frank Mill quarry are excellent places to find Calcite crystals.

Rockhounding is an excellent way to get outdoors and we’ve listed some of the best locations to dig for crystals and gemstones.

Happy hunting!!

Rock And Mineral Societies

Becoming a member of a rockhound club or society comes with various benefits. Members share information on all things relating to exploring and collecting specimens. You can even learn about the lesser-known rockhound locations in the area, which is a significant plus. 


The Gem & Mineral Society of Lynchburg

The Gem and Mineral Society of Lynchburg, Virginia, focuses on promoting, educating, and encouraging those interested in mineralogy, geology, the lapidary arts, and related sciences. This society is a member of the Eastern Federation of Mineralogical & Lapidary Societies, Inc., the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies, the Southeast Federation of Mineralogical Societies, Inc., and the Dixie Mineral Council.

Individual memberships for people 18 and up cost $15, and partner memberships and $25. Members have access to members-only field trips, monthly meetings with activities like auctions and lapidary workshops, guest speakers, and a massive amount of educational information.


The Gem and Mineral Society of The Virginia Peninsula

This Gem and Mineral Society of The Virginia Peninsula is the state’s oldest lapidary and mineralogical organization. The society is over 60 years old, with its first meeting being held in September 1954.

Member meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month, but visitors are welcome and encouraged. Some of their field trips are incredible, with trips to places like Cornwallis’s Cave, Fantasy, a store specializing in rocks and minerals, and York River State Park. There’s something new to learn during every trip and meeting; you won’t want to miss them.


Micromineralogists of The National Capital Area

The Micromineralogists of The National Capital Area started in 1967 and are now a non-profit micro mounting club. Meaning they mount microscopic minerals and explore specimens through their microscopes. It’s a bit different from many of the other rockhound clubs and societies throughout the US.

Club members have access to the various field trips taken throughout the year. The Northern Virginia Mineral Club Show is a huge event that takes place in March.


Shenandoah Valley Gem & Mineral Society

The Shenandoah Valley Gem and Mineral Society promote education in and appreciation of fossils, minerals, general geology, the lapidary arts, and archaeology. Members have the opportunity to collect, exchange, discuss, and exhibit their specimens.

Members can enjoy monthly meetings and lapidary workshops. The club’s Gem and Mineral Show is one of their main highlights. This gem and mineral society has its own lapidary facility for members to use; members can bring their rough rock specimens or slabs to work on using the club’s lapidary tools.


Northern Virginia Mineral Club

The Northern Virginia Mineral Club has organized countless field trips to various quarries and mines throughout the years. Not to mention organizing mineral shows and educational activities for the family. They are always hosting multiple speakers.

NVMC society is a member of the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies and the Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies. Individual memberships are $20, family or group memberships are $25, and the society even has a Junior membership for $6 a year.

Joining a rockhound club or society in Virginia opens avenues for rockhounding activities, meeting others with similar interests, and can provide the education and experience you won’t find anywhere else. You can also learn about some low-key rock-hounding locations that many people are unaware of.